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Tag Archives: nablopomo
Partially Employed
So, due to aforementioned life drama that caused me to want to weep or go fetal whenever I thought about applying/interviewing/accepting a new job, I have instead been substitute teaching. It keeps me in the district and on their radar … Continue reading
I was linked to an article on facebook today entitled How Can I Tell My 15-year-old Daughter She is Awful at Writing?. Good grief, people. The article discusses the author’s feelings of betrayal and hurt feelings when her mother criticized … Continue reading
Late night blogging on my phone again. I was going to work on the computer, but I got sleepy, so here’s what you get. Tonight, we talk chess. I remember as a kid a few times playing with my dad; … Continue reading
The Stress of Baking
Today, let us discuss STRESS BAKING – currently a highlight of how I spend my free time! My stress is greatly reduced by not teaching full time and by not having to jump through whatever ridiculous hoops the educational system … Continue reading
Only a Small Disaster
***I wrote this last night and somehow it saved as draft instead of publishing. I’m still counting it as on the right day, so there!** Day 2 of daily blogging and I am typing this on my phone in my … Continue reading