1. There is the hive story. Which started by me going “Yuck, bug bites.” and ended with me shrieking “HIIIIIVVVES!! HIVES EVERYWHERE!!” with a side story about chocolate and how im not supposed to eat it, which included me saying to the doctor, “PUNCH ME IN THE FACE.”
2. the “I’m going to Vegas!” story, which consists of 2 friends and i leaving in exactly one week to take on a few shows and a lot of dorkiness.
3. then there is the “there is a giant snake in the garage story” which features Brandus contemplating catching it until he remembered NC has the US’s highest number of poisonous snakes per state. Yeah. Guess where I’m NEVER GOING AGAIN?
4. i promise to tell all these stories eventually. But for now, this is what I see practically every night around 10pm.
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