So, anyway, trip to Chicago.
Driving there was wildly entertaining. the first day, i got stuck, in the uhaul, with the roommates crazy mother, ALMOST ALL DAY.
so we would be driving, and i would be reading the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, or making postcards, and she would lean over and OUT OF NOWHERE, ask me if i had kids.
or if my sister had kids.
or if i enjoyed teaching school..which oddly enough, i dont do anymore.
so that was fun.
i did, however, manage to only drive two hours out of the entire trip. i am just that talented.
the apartment is AWESOME, although evil mother from hell managed to make it sound like it was hidious and in the ghetto, which it totally isnt. the lack of hot water, however, was a detractor. *shivers*
we wandered around the neigherhood and parts of chicago, and we went to cool places. Like, the Gay Starbucks. and Gaymart. and the half gay Costco. hey, dont ask me, that is just how they were introduced to me.
we also went to Women and Children First, a really cool feminist bookstore, as well as Alchemy Arts, a metaphysical bookstore, where i got some Ogam sticks from divination. very very cool.
Lets see…stories.
as promised, the Ninjas. which is really not that exciting of a story. so dont blame me if youre disappointed.
We passed a place while driving..somewhere, called “Nina’s Beauty Shop.” now, if you know me, and my sometimes sporadic reading skills, it shouldnt surprise you that i read it as “Ninja’s Beauty Shop.” frankly, this idea has thrilled me to pieces.
no, really. think about it!
You step inside, its pitch black inside.
You wait, and feel something brush your ankle.
After five minutes, you get annoyed and step outside.
You glance in the front window, and double take. Your hair is a different color, your toenails are painted, and you are missing 100 bucks out of your wallet.
but it isnt until you get home, when you discover the bikini wax, that you panic a little.
all hail the ninja beauticians!
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