Kitty Treats

I did get back, by the way..four days ago, actually. but then i had to go back to work, and then i got sick (i have a cold, and i protest mightily), and now im sitting on my couch in my pajamas wondering if i could call in sick to work today (the answer, for those of you who wonder, is NO. we cant afford it).

we did have alot of fun, and i made postcards, and had so much fun, im making more! hopefully, postcards made it to their intended recepients. Louise, i totally guessed on postage necessary to send something to Canada, so cross your fingers and let me know if/when it made/makes it there.

we rode the L much, and im quite proud of myself for never falling off the platform or having the door shut on me. (you mock, but these are the things i am convinced will happen..JUST BECAUSE).

we ate out ALOT, which makes sense, as the gas at Mel’s place hadnt been turned on, which meant we had no stove.

it also meant we had no hot water, which made taking a shower a highly interesting experience. Its a claw foot tub with a shower head in it, and dear josh, the water was COLD. i swung the shower head as far to the side as i could, and then stuck my head in and tried not to shriek.

it was an experience, to say the least.

but we got Melisa sorta settled, and i havent even told you about the Ninja Beauticians, or about checking with the oracles before being converted, so i will come back later and do that.

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