I have been mournfully watching The Food Network for the past several hours. Mournfully, as we will soon be cancelling our shiny extended cable, and returning to regular cable. We had a deal for the past three months, you see. Extended cable at the same price as regular. But now, we must cancel, as $50 a month for tv is a bit ridiculus.
anyway, so, i have been watching The Next Food Network Star today, and they had to come up with a pitch for their very own show. Now, besides the fact that i am currently torn between cheering for Michael or Eric, as well as wanting to strangle Deborah, i decided that this would be a fun thing to come up with on my own.
Now, for the moment, lets ignore the fact that i cannot cook without a recipe, and that i have no idea what to do with many very random foods..nor do i want to.
I have decided that Southerners need some food love too. I shall call it, “Fit to Eat,” and i shall make okra! and blackberry cobbler! and fried chicken! and friend green tomatoes!
and my tag line?
“This is alia, and this (offers plate) is fit to eat!”