I hate you all. However, your 13 comments that slipped through my spam killers did make me laugh. hard. why?
your subject lines are horrific and wrong and really funny, especially when my sense of humor is as screwed up as it has been lately.
so, just to clarify, i am not interested in your “fat grannies gallery.” but thanks for asking! and no, im not typing the others, because that would send people who actually look for those things HERE, and as i have said before, several times, i dont have Hillary Duff’s panties.
i DID, however, have, for a very extremely too brief a time this afternoon, Vin Diesel’s phone number. But i didnt call it, because that would’ve been tacky.*
*Paris Hilton was hacked. What I want to know is, why does Paris have Vin’s number? are they friends? disturbing mental images of them shopping together make me giggle.