V is For..

Happy Valentine’s Day, if you happen to celebrate it. Brandus and i tend to..not. two years ago, i think we went to Sam’s and bought kitty litter. last year we ate chinese food and rented a new video game.

we are quite exciting.

this year, im going to class, and brandus is going to work. and then, when we both get home about 9pm, we will probably complain about our days and watch tv.

yep, exciting.

its monday, so im not sure what people really expect, unless they are taking the day off to go be cheesy.

also, did i mention its monday?

im really not wanting to be here today. or ever, anymore, really.

brandus thinks i shouldnt teach this summer, even though its 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, extra money, and actually fun. but im loathing teaching, so maybe he is right. or maybe i should quit all together, we should move to greenland and take up raising OMGWTFPOLARBEARs.

hey, Lost has to get them from somewhere.

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