Dumb Jokes From Georgia

Screech, you cant elope!

Who are you calling a cantalope, you melonhead?

-Saved by the Bell, Beldin and Screech


2 cows are grazing in a field.
One looks up and asks, “have you heard about this mad cow disease?”
The other replies, “yeah. its really scary.”
First cow, “Makes me glad Im a penguin.”

Anyway, i arrived in georgia on sunday, and so far, its been crazy. my grandma is still sick, (she also asked me to be in her wedding – i told her she could be in mine, seeing as im pretty sure she’s not getting married), one of my good friends just had a nervous breakdown..literally, and my mom is going to spontaneously combust from stress here fairly soon.


If im not back with amusing stories in the next day or so..like my dad’s opinion that i should become a housewife so that brandus can come home to a clean house and dinner everyday..or something…as well as the fact that my parents are more prejudiced than i remember…Have a good holiday! whichever one you choose to celebrate!

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