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Category Archives: teach me
Swiper, No Swiping
Sunday night, the very idea of going back to work felt a little like I was going to be pushed out of a plane in mid air. Possibly with a parachute, but it really doesn’t matter, I was still completely … Continue reading
Pants Optional
My child has decided, after a discussion with his father, who was trying to get him to stop crying and crying and crying for no apparent reason, that this year, we shall celebrate Hanukkah. This seems like a downright swell … Continue reading
Please, Sir, May I Have Another?
I got called down to the office this morning and told to reprint my weekly lesson plans. My offense? The first letters on the right hand side were cut off. Not the whole letter, just a tiny fraction. The word … Continue reading
Posted in teach me
Sometimes My Fandom Life Overtakes My Real Life
I have thoughts to share. An entire story about the sheer ridiculousness that I encountered one day while picking up Voldemort from daycare, when the assistant manager told me, giggling and almost blushing, that she had never known another 2 … Continue reading
Posted in fandom, geek, she who bakes, teach me, voldemort, you and your vagina
Tagged voldemort
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“At Least”
Back when I had Voldemort – and by “had,” i mean, “expelled him from my body,” people would ask about his birth, and I would say how fast it was, and how intense, and how disappointed I was that Brandus … Continue reading
Posted in rant, teach me