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Category Archives: teach me
Inside the Break
Today is Thanksgiving, and aside from the really awesome time we are having staying in a haunted room at The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park (SO AWESOME. We keep accidentally interrupting various tours as they stop outside our room to … Continue reading
I’m Not Actually a Teacher
What I really do, as every kid knows, is exist ONLY TO FRUSTRATE CHILDREN. And DAMN do I enjoy it! Example 1, conversation between myself (ME) and a highly gifted three year old (SH): SH: Ms. A, why isn’t Joey … Continue reading
I feel like my brain is melting. Not only am I currently working full time, I am also trekking the kid back and forth to soccer practice (which he adores, which makes 1 sport he doesn’t hate), taking 1 class … Continue reading
Posted in teach me, you and your vagina
Tagged my rage let me show you it, teaching, vagina monologues, vday
Why I Teach
A fb comment, that I’m reproducing here so I can read it whenever I need to remind myself of why I do what I do: You helped rub sucker off my forehead..taught us both to let him pull his pants … Continue reading
A Day in the Life
It’s the weekend, yes, but most days I am entirely too tired to even communicate how crazy my job really is. So for your reading pleasure, here is a brief snippet of how this week went. names changed to protect … Continue reading